Thursday, December 07, 2006


This Kratos is the Greek personification; there is also a Tales of Symphonia character named Kratos Aurion. For the main character for God of War, see Kratos.

Greek deities
Primordial deities
Titans and Olympians
Aquatic deities
Chthonic deities
Other deities
Personified concepts

* Muses
* Nemesis
* Moirae
* Cratos
* Zelus
* Nike
* Metis
* Charites

* Adrasteia
* Horae
* Bia
* Eros
* Apate
* Themis
* Eris
* Thanatos

In Greek mythology, Cratos ("strength") was a son of Styx and Pallas, brother of Nike, Bia and Zelus. He was the personification of strength and power. Cratos and his siblings were all companions of Zeus.

The spelling Kratos would be more faithful to the original Greek spelling, which is Κρατος. The Latinized spelling Cratus has also been used.

Cratos simply accepts Zeus's orders completely. Zeus's justice, for Cratos, is the only possible justice. Cratos cannot understand how someone might fail to hate an enemy of Zeus. He shows an absolute identification of a slave with his master, taking Zeus's thoughts as his thoughts and Zeus's orders as his maxims. Unlike Hephaestus and Oceanus, Cratos experiences no friendship or pity because he has no value system outside the one imposed on him by Zeus. The name Cratos means force, so as a representative of Zeus, this character demonstrates the nature of Zeus's rule.

"Operation Kratos" was the name given to the London police shoot-to-kill


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